Trusted By The World’s Best Brands

VivoAquatics Advantage Program
Starting at $429 / Location*

Property Risk Assessment
Property will receive report showing deficiencies as it relates to any current safety equipment (safety hook, life ring, VGB drain covers, working ADA lift) & opportunities to lower costs (chemical practices, energy efficiency, etc.).

Certified Pool Operator (CPO) Training
Certified instructor will provide participant the NSPF CPO Operator Handbook and provide training, test and certificate.

7 Day Operator Support / Training
Contact our customer support center with any issue (water quality, equipment failure, etc.) seven days a week. Receive invitation to monthly and quarterly training programs and webinars.

Procurement Support
Access our procurement platform and team to obtain lower prices, find hard to find parts, establish brand standards and receive advice on acquiring any needed products.
Benefits of VivoAquatics
Advantage Program

Reduce Risk and Litigation
Identify the key safety and compliance risks (e.g., VGB, ADA, health department standards) to protect your assets and your guests.

Keep Pools Open and Guests Satisfied
Be proactive to minimize health department closures while helping onsite staff solve challenges before larger problems emerge.

Lower Energy and Water Costs
Identify opportunities to improve sustainability through energy and water efficient practices and upgrades with less than one year payback.

Reduce Chemical / Product Expense
Find lower cost sources of products and chemicals while implementing standards to receive improved portfolio pricing and warranty coverage.

Access to Ongoing Expertise & Training
You will have access to our professional services, procurement and technology specials for assistance with purchasing or IoT needs.

Maintain Records on Digital Platform
Save time and money by viewing equipment profile information, log chemical readings, access dosing calculators and more.